
Membership registration

Registering from this form will make the procedure at the store smoother.

How to become a member

  • 1.このフォームから必要事項を記入して送信
  • 2.予約日にご来館
  • 3.フロントにてWeb入会予約なさった旨を
  • 1.Fill in this from and send
  • 2.Visit the store(we may contact you by phone)
  • 3.Tell the receptionist that you have made a online membership registration.
    ※ Registration will be completed after completing the store procedure.

What to bring

  • 1.初期費用
  • 2.銀行・郵便局のキャッシュカード又は通帳
  • 3.金融機関お届出印
  • 4.公的機関が発行する身分証明書
  • 1.Initial cost
    Iniial fee + admin fee + monthly membership fee, next month membership fee
    *Prices vary depending on campaign, membership type, and usage start date.
  • 2.Bank/post office cash card or bank book
  • 3.Registered stamp
  • 4.ID issued by a public institution (driver's license, health insurance card, regidence card etc.)

Things to confirm

① 医者から運動を禁止されていない方。
② 他人に感染するおそれのある疾患(感染症、感染性皮膚病等)に罹患していない方。
③ 入会の際、氏名、生年月日、住所等が記載された本人確認書類を提示できる日本国籍を有する方。または、在留カード、特別永住者証明書を提示できる外国籍を有する方。
④ 暴力団等の反社会的団体に関与してない方。
⑤ 薬物依存等による障害を有していない方。
⑥ 過去に本クラブ及び他社クラブを除名となっていない方。
⑦ 過去に本クラブ及び他社クラブに会員として在籍して、会費等を滞納していない方。
⑧ 次のいずれかに該当し、本クラブが別途定める審査において入会資格が認められ、入会条件に同意した方。
⑨ その他会社が会員として不適当と認める事由のない方。

.(Member Requirements)
1. A member of the Club shall be an individual aged 16 years or older, who is capable of self-management of health, approves of the objectives of the Club, and agrees to abide by the Club Rules, management regulations and other rules determined by the Company (for minors, the consent of a legal guardian is required, and in such a case, the guardian shall jointly bear the responsibilities arising from the membership agreement with the person entering into such agreement), shall satisfy all of the conditions described in the following paragraphs, and shall have been approved by the Company after consideration.
(1) A person who has not been prohibited by a physician to exercise.
(2) A person who is not affected by an infectious disease (including infectious skin disease).
(3) A Japanese citizen who can present identification containing their name, date of birth, address, etc., at the time of joining the Club, or a Japanese resident with foreign citizenship who can present a Resident Card or a Special Permanent Resident Certificate.
(4) A person who is not involved with anti-social forces, such as organized crime syndicates.
(5) A person who has no disorders caused by drug dependence, etc.
(6) A person who has no history of expulsion from the Club or any other clubs.
(7) A person who has no history of being in arrears with club dues, etc., when the person was a member of the Club or other clubs.
(8) A person who corresponds to any of the following paragraphs, but has been approved to become a member as a result of an investigation as specified by the Club, and has agreed with the membership requirements.
· A person with a fashion tattoo.
· A person who needs assistance to use the facility due to a physical disability, injury, disease or age, etc.
· A person who is pregnant.
· In addition to the previous paragraphs, a person whose membership is granted by the Company with certain conditions.
(9) A person for whom the Company has no basis to deny membership.


入会をご希望の店舗をお選びください。 Branch済 Done

入会をご希望の会員種別 Membership type必須 Required

来館希望日 Prefered date and time必須 Required



お名前 Name必須 Required

フリガナ Name必須 Required

性別 Gender必須 Required

年齢 Age必須 Required

お電話番号 TEL必須 Required


メールアドレス E-mail adress必須 Required

What made you access to our website?必須 Required

備考 Notes(Prefered language/Accompanying person's infomation ets...)